Fables and misunderstandings about laser eye surgery

Let’s discuss a couple of myths about laser eye surgery. There are quite some stories about laser eye surgery going around. Sometimes these are correct, but sometimes they are purely invented.

About the intervention itself, we often hear the following:

The laser feels very hot

False: The intervention with the laser doesn’t feel hot nor cold.
The eyes are numbed with an anaesthetic before the intervention.

You can smell the burning of your eye

False: the smell you might observe during a PRK and LASIK treatment is caused by the release of carbon atoms into the air as the tissue of the cornea is evaporated with the excimer laser.

Laser eye surgery hurts

False: the eye is numbed beforehand with anaesthetic eye drops so that you don’t feel any pain at all. These eye drops can cause a blurred vision. When the effect of the anaesthetic has disappeared, you can have a slightly tingling sensation in the eyes. This sensation is comparable to a little dust particle in your eye. Laser eye surgery is never painful.

Severe cases of short-sightedness or long-sightedness cannot be treated

False: The current laser eye surgery is as efficient for severe eye disorders as for slight deviations. Even if you have a cylindrical deviation, you can still rely on a laser eye surgery.

The intervention poses major risks

False: A laser eye surgery is absolutely safe for the functional performance of the eye. There are strict procedures to be followed and the results can be calculated with high precision before the surgery. We will obviously discuss all potential side effects and risks with you but the chance of serious complications appearing after the surgery is extremely small with the current technology.

The results are not permanent

False: the effect of the intervention is permanent. It is possible that over time you will need reading glasses. This is not a direct consequence of the laser eye surgery, but a natural ageing process of the lens within the eye.

Laser eye surgery can lead to blindness

False: Laser eye surgery is a very safe treatment. Furthermore, the techniques have evolved so strongly over the last couple of years that the risk of blindness after a laser eye surgery is as good as non-existent.

The long-term consequences of laser eye surgery are yet unknown

False: Laser eye surgery has been executed daily for about 30 years. If laser eye surgery would have long-term negative effects, the ophthalmologists would have noticed a long time ago. Patients, who had their laser eye surgery in the early years, are generally still very satisfied with their eyes.

Laser eye surgery is expensive

False: If you compare it with the cost of wearing glasses, laser eye surgery is not that expensive at all. Of course, the big difference is that laser eye surgery implies a one-time cost, where as the costs of glasses and contact lenses are spread over several years. The amount that you spent once on a laser eye surgery corresponds approximately to what you pay over 4 to 6 years for a pair of prescription glasses or contact lenses. Have a look at our rates for laser eye surgery

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Preliminary examination

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