
What is hyperopia?

Farsightedness or hyperopia means that you cannot see close objects clearly or sharply. Hyperopia is less common than myopia. Nonetheless, a quarter of the population has hyperopia. Hyperopia often manifests through tired eyes, headaches and blurred vision. Not everyone who is hyperopic wears glasses or contact lenses. Up to the age of about 40, some people unknowingly correct hyperopia partially or completely on their own. The problems usually start once they are over 40.

What does an eye with hyperopia look like?

People with hyperopia have an eyeball that is too short, so that the light is concentrated at a point behind the retina instead of directly on it. Ophthalmologists express hyperopia in a positive number, such as diopter +2. When hyperopia is treated, you can see more clearly in the distance again, but also close up. The symptoms of fatigue also decrease.
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How can hyperopia be treated?

There are two types of treatment for hyperopia:

  • Laser eye surgery
  • Lens replacement

Which treatment is best for you is determined during the preliminary examination.

Eva L.

The approach couldn’t have been more professional; a very thorough examination and a bundle of clear information that was given to me assured me to take this step. I can only highly recommend this glasses replacement surgery for those interested.

Also read about other eye conditions that we treat at Medifocus:

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